Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Just wanted to wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. I think we are all going to be spread across the US this holiday and hope that we can all be together soon. Everyone, please be safe in your travels and enjoy the holiday.
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Move In Day
Nanny's table is at its new home now, and hopefully we can keep passing it down through everyone's move-ins so it can get plenty of use over these next years. I have to admit it felt like old times Saturday night with four kids sitting around the table stuffing food into our mouths. We had Billy here instead of Austin, and I think even Lisa would agree that despite Billy's off the wall antics, there's only one Austin (Billy definitely has his own established niche in the family already and it mainly centers around receiving constant threats of physical harm from members of the Ohio McNeill side of the family).
Look to see some pictures and video up as soon as I get my hands on someone's camera and a large memory card. Once I get that set up I'll get it produced by legendary film producer Austin McNeill (Producer of Beerfest: Kentucky Style). Also a big thank you to everyone who helped, because otherwise everything would still be in boxes at the old house. And to those that I didn't see this weekend you guys were smart because you didn't have to do any work, but next time you are in town you need to stop by and check everything out.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"The Big Man"
Now that everybody is chipping into the blog - it is becoming much more fun I must add. So now that I've got your attention - lets start really brainstorming again what we will do for MacFest this year. As you know, we've got a pretty crazy month of June :-) and I personally have very little vacation days to work with so I was wondering if we should shoot for May (depending on when school ends) or early July and do a 3 day weekend?

Look at your calendars and let me know what works. Also lets remember the following requirements we made at last years:
- Camping is required
- Chicken tenders will be on the menu
- We have to be able to "take over" the place ( I don't think we can fit into a standard campsite)
- We must have at least 1 storytelling night on the agenda
- Whatever it is must be competitive, and if it isn't we have to make it
Monday, October 29, 2007
Family is a beautiful THANG
Lisa and I had the joy of going down to the Lake this weekend to pick up her car which got fixed by Lexington's finest (at a must lower cost I might add). I wanted to inform every MCNEILL that they need to CALL Van and ask him about his story that he told us at lunch on Friday that got me rolling. I list some snippets to lure you in. The story involves:
Additionally, I want you to call him so that (1) he will see the light, like I have, of the vast amount of information that can be shared through this blog and (2) that he is the topic of most conversations. So don't be hesitant MCNEILLS call the Big man and ask him to tell you this story because its a dusey.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
If you need some pointers call me because I am The Man. I'm plannin on headin down and we can go out lookin for some HOT CHICKS...
To christen his new home we mush have a chicken finger dining experiance before it becomes an official McNeill Home. Call the Yankees when the chicken is ready.
We wish you the very best, and we are very proud of you.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
What a Family I Have.....
About the picture.....
I was the one that had to get up very early the 1st day of vacation to take Uncle Van to the dealership to drop off the caddy after she threw oil all the way down I-95! But I must confess, we were riding in style, I had an '08 sebring convertible and Uncle Van and I rode all over the beach with the top down. And yes boys, your mother made it look really good!
Austin, I know you are excited and proud of Ryan and that he would be an excellent roommate but please keep in mind.....failing out is not an option!!
Lisa, If you get a chance please email me the picture of your gown. I would love to see it.
Love you all, and remember, when all is said and done your family will still be there loving you unconditionally.
Ryan McNeill
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Opitma Battery
(please refer to picture enclosed)

This story starts with a glorious trip to Waaashington, DC (aka the place people go to get there stuff stolen). While driving up to this nether world L Mac and Billy Bob stopped to get gas when the unthinkable happened. Sally (the Jeep) did not start. Dismayed by the occurrence Billy bob decide to talk to Sally about her failures. Sally did not respond kindly and needed the help of Jumping Jack Jumper Cables to get her back on the road.
Billy Bob deduced that there was no conceivable way that it could be the OPTIMA battery that could have died. Thus, he began an intensive investigation. He tested all the wires and determined that the voltage was right from every location. The situation left the only culprit to be the OPITMA. So against his better judgment Billy Bob took the battery to be test.
When he arrived to the store he was met with the statement "we can't test that battery it will blow up the building". Billy bob thoughts ran wild "is this some bomb that through the ingenuity of man has been sealed into a battery so that Sally my have all the power that one would ever dream for?!!" "NO" Billy reserves his thoughts and asked the man if he can just get him a battery that will get him home. Of course in this hour of shame the Energiser Bunny is the one that comes to the rescue. The battery is installed and the problem is fixed but Sally may never be the same. Luckily Billy bob did not turn in the OPTIMA for a core rebate and is planning on putting it on a slow trickle charge to bring it back to life.
So beware, the OPTIMA might still reunite with Sally to run again on the great thoroughfares known as the American highway.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Adult MacFest this Week

This picture officially means Dad can't make any more Oakwood Acres jokes.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Another Poor Billy Story
I'm all in favor for paintball and the ropes course would be fun too.
In looking ahead - we first need to narrow down the month. Personally, I will have a lot going on in the beginning of June, so I wasn't sure if we wanted to push the trip to July? Let's start throwing around weekends.
I also wanted to share a little excerpt from an email from Ryan:
"I did have to relate a funny Billy moment that happened Sunday. He probably already told you, but I'm a McNeill, that isn't going to stop me. He left his sunglasses in the back of my car, so Sunday I text messaged him letting him know that I found them and that I'd be at Champps, a sports bar, on Sunday watching NFL games from 1-4:15. He calls me later and says he'd be there in about 45 minutes. He shows up, and I was watching the Panthers, so he stayed around for a little bit until a break. In the meantime I guess he gets thirsty so he stops a waitress and asks for a sweet tea to go. He was a little confused as to how the place makes money when people like us go in there and stay for 3 hours during a football game. The waitress brings the sweet tea, and he drinks it a little while he's waiting on me to get ready to get his sunglasses. The panthers game goes to commercial and I get up to go to my car; Billy starts walking towards the door with me, then reaches into his pockets, and then slaps his head. Apparently Billy didn't have any cash on him (again). I asked him if he wanted to get a steak on my tab as well."
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Austin is the man. On top of all that. Check this place out. Whitewater rafting, ropes course, paintball, everything. I don't know if you found this Ryan but this place looks to have everything you mentioned and its in the same area. Check it
Macfest 08
ACE Adventure Center
1 Concho Road
Minden, WV 25879
(888) 223-7238
Just helping that idea. I'm not sure where we could find a ropes course at though. That would be fun also. Also i read the last few posts recorded on here and i saw that kyle thinks he is the "hot one." I believe that Ryan would be hotter because he is the Mercedes driver, or I"m hotter because i could make the girl laugh, or even Billy(don't get used to me standing up for you billy, this is a first and a last) because he has a sensitive (gay to me and ya'll) side.
Think it over.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
What McNeill really means
Of course some of you might be thinking "Wait we're McNeills, we do everything best", and you'd be right. But if we were to make a top three list of things we as McNeills do best it would probably look something like this:
- Eating - More specifically eating chicken tenders, Super Sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, and french fries.
- Drinking - Well we know what the adult McNeill's drink, but the "kid table" McNeill's are pretty good at putting down some sweet tea, Cheerwine, and Mountain Dew.
- Telling Stories - Of course we can't just tell stories, we have to tell the loudest and best story.
So when Austin told me that his girlfriend challenged him to a chicken tenders/french fry eating contest tonight, it was more than just a silly boast, it was a direct challenge to Austin's status as a McNeill. Eating chicken tenders isn't just something we're really good at; we were groomed by the master herself, Nanny McNeill, from an early age to be experts at eating chicken tenders. I still feel the shame of only having one chicken tender at MacFest; it's almost like my last name was changed to something really weird like Braziel. So wherever you are tonight, send up a quick prayer for Austin, because he may not be a McNeill anymore if he loses a chicken tender eating contest to his girlfriend.
On a more serious note we need to start figuring out some locations for the 2nd Annual Macfest. Obviously Class VI is a completely viable option again, but all ideas are welcome, even if they are just for a particular type of activity and not a specific place. My ideas are either whitewater rafting again, some kind of team based ropes course, or some kind of big paintball battle. Just from briefly looking around it looks like we could find all those type things in West Virginia again, which seemed to be a perfect location.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
1st Annual MacFest 2007

It was a blast. Thanks for all of you for coming. We ate until we could eat no more, we laughed, and Ryan, well we all know what you did most of the time.
Of course, who could ever forget the firewood from hell? Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
To Mac Fest!
I'm not the Benz driving smarty pants lawyer - Ryan
I'm not the blog making advertising hot shot - Lisa
I'm not into stupid movies ( I'm glad you're engaged to my little cousin or I'd think you were, well never mind everyone knows what I was thinking) - Billy
(At least I don't like guys) - Family quote
I'm not one to check my email every 20 minutes or let people call me Bob - Craig
So, that only leaves one very important thing left. Yes, Oh yes, I must be the HOT one. You know what I mean, the best looking McNeill we have in the bunch. Oh, and don't worry I'll be attending Mac Fest 2007.... - The most famous one of them all - Kyle
Before and After

In response to Ryan's post - I honestly think Billy rented a James Bond movie shortly after. Coincidence? I don't think so.... I guess it is appropriate preparation for MacFest.
Anyway, I wanted to share a little before and after of that night. And post some pictures Aunt Tonya would like to see.

Oh and just in case you thought the weirdness was gone.... this is the same night:

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Lisa Gone Wild
But of course I can't just make a post that shows Lisa doing silly things, I promised Billy that I would let everyone know his proposal for MacFest 2008. It doesn't involve doing any kind of risky whitewater adventuring, but rather sitting down to watch Billy's favorite movie in all the world. Of course right now some obvious guy movies are coming to mind... Shawshank Redemption, Office Space, The Godfather, Scarface, Braveheart. Instead Billy informed me (and I am being totally serious) that his favorite movie is:

Monday, May 21, 2007
Billy get your hands out of your pants. "Boy"
We are looking for some fun times on the river and we are truly excited about the upcoming McNeill wedding.
There truly is someone for everyone, and Billy is the real life example of that, boy did you ever get lucky. You better take care of our little girl!
We will party like there is no tomorrow in West Virginia!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Austin's debut and Billy's Body Protection
On to "poor Billy"..... I will be glad to make a donation for body protection because I am positive he is going to need it!
Take care and Love to All.
Monday, May 14, 2007
This is what happens when inexperienced whitewater rafters go down the river. Luckily we're McNeills so we are automatically professionals at anything we do. It doesn't look good for Billy though, especially since I've already heard several people who want to throw him off the side of the raft from the beginning.
But since Lisa seems to like poor little Billy, I'm putting together a collection pot to pay for some body protection so he doesn't get hurt too badly on this trip. For only $1,289.00 we can get him:

Friday, May 11, 2007
Welcome to the blog.
Plus, once again it is FREE, and to top it off every click made on advertisements pays. I promise if I ever get to $100.00 (which is the amount you have to have before you get paid) - it will go directly to a family feast at Speedy's. Mark my words - you will be eating enough cheerwine, sweet tea, and baskets of fries until your heart's content. And Billy - you can take an extra sandwich to go and not feel guilty.
I'm creating all of us as administrators so you can post things as well. Let the fun begin!