Sunday, November 11, 2007

Move In Day

Well we were digital camera-less on move in day, which sucks, but I'll get plenty of pictures later. Thanks to a team effort move in went relatively effortlessly and I'm happy to set that almost everything is set up and unpacked and only a little bit is left for me to do. For everyone who wasn't there, it looks great here (especially the flowery couch which I'm just about to cover up).

Nanny's table is at its new home now, and hopefully we can keep passing it down through everyone's move-ins so it can get plenty of use over these next years. I have to admit it felt like old times Saturday night with four kids sitting around the table stuffing food into our mouths. We had Billy here instead of Austin, and I think even Lisa would agree that despite Billy's off the wall antics, there's only one Austin (Billy definitely has his own established niche in the family already and it mainly centers around receiving constant threats of physical harm from members of the Ohio McNeill side of the family).

Look to see some pictures and video up as soon as I get my hands on someone's camera and a large memory card. Once I get that set up I'll get it produced by legendary film producer Austin McNeill (Producer of Beerfest: Kentucky Style). Also a big thank you to everyone who helped, because otherwise everything would still be in boxes at the old house. And to those that I didn't see this weekend you guys were smart because you didn't have to do any work, but next time you are in town you need to stop by and check everything out.

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