Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Butt is a Beautiful word, maybe the most beautiful. It can be used in many ways like talking about a persons' butt, or calling a person a name, who wouldn't love a word that versatile? Also I just want to say that picture was taken in a bad angle but my nose looks amazing. Probably the best looking McNeill nose that there is. Which means I have the best nose and Butt, of course. Also I'm sure that my uncle van's story is good but I'm sure that if we heard the story from anyone else it wouldn't be the same at all. Hope everyone is doing alright and I hope that Lisa and "that guy" are doing terrific with all the planning and gathering and invitations and all those things that will stress out our wonderful Lisa. Let me know if you need ideas for music selections! I got the down lows if you know what I mean.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"The Big Man"

In response to Billy's post - I wanted to add that the story has a touch of bathroom humor - which should peak the interest of Austin - who has had the ever-fascination with the word "butt" since we can remember.

On top of this humor - I guarantee that hearing it from Dad WILL be worth it. It is truly classic - an innocent "ride to work" story ends in an unexpected twist. And in case you question Dad's authority - he will surely set you straight (see pictures)

Now that everybody is chipping into the blog - it is becoming much more fun I must add. So now that I've got your attention - lets start really brainstorming again what we will do for MacFest this year. As you know, we've got a pretty crazy month of June :-) and I personally have very little vacation days to work with so I was wondering if we should shoot for May (depending on when school ends) or early July and do a 3 day weekend?

Look at your calendars and let me know what works. Also lets remember the following requirements we made at last years:

- Camping is required
- Chicken tenders will be on the menu
- We have to be able to "take over" the place ( I don't think we can fit into a standard campsite)
- We must have at least 1 storytelling night on the agenda
- Whatever it is must be competitive, and if it isn't we have to make it

Monday, October 29, 2007

Family is a beautiful THANG

First and foremost congratulations to Macman Ryan for getting his apartment. Please inform us when move in it and post pictures at your soonest convenience.

Lisa and I had the joy of going down to the Lake this weekend to pick up her car which got fixed by Lexington's finest (at a must lower cost I might add). I wanted to inform every MCNEILL that they need to CALL Van and ask him about his story that he told us at lunch on Friday that got me rolling. I list some snippets to lure you in. The story involves:

(1) his work

(2) a morning drive

(3) a large cup of coffee

(4) and finally an interesting encounter

Additionally, I want you to call him so that (1) he will see the light, like I have, of the vast amount of information that can be shared through this blog and (2) that he is the topic of most conversations. So don't be hesitant MCNEILLS call the Big man and ask him to tell you this story because its a dusey.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

He has the looks, He is the brains, and Now he has the house. Ryan is now an official McNeill Chick Magnet.

If you need some pointers call me because I am The Man. I'm plannin on headin down and we can go out lookin for some HOT CHICKS...

To christen his new home we mush have a chicken finger dining experiance before it becomes an official McNeill Home. Call the Yankees when the chicken is ready.

We wish you the very best, and we are very proud of you.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

What a Family I Have.....

Ryan, I can't tell you how excited I am for you. Don't forget Nanny Jean has Nanny Mac's kitchen table and it is yours for as long as you want it and then pass on when the next McNeill needs a table. I am sure it will serve you well. If I was a betting girl (oh I forgot, I am) I would say that it can still serve up super bacon sandwiches and gallons upon gallons of ice cream.

About the picture.....
I was the one that had to get up very early the 1st day of vacation to take Uncle Van to the dealership to drop off the caddy after she threw oil all the way down I-95! But I must confess, we were riding in style, I had an '08 sebring convertible and Uncle Van and I rode all over the beach with the top down. And yes boys, your mother made it look really good!

Austin, I know you are excited and proud of Ryan and that he would be an excellent roommate but please keep in mind.....failing out is not an option!!

Lisa, If you get a chance please email me the picture of your gown. I would love to see it.

Love you all, and remember, when all is said and done your family will still be there loving you unconditionally.

Ryan McNeill

I heard we have the first McNeill offspring to be a homeowner. Now when i fail out of school i will have someone to stay with. You don't understand how excited that makes me. I just want everyone to know that everything is fine in the Yankee McNeill that tried to go south but couldn't make it far enough and is now stuck in a neutral state. Love y'all and also Billy.. You make me seem like Einstein. Thank you for that. I'm ready for next summer with everything we have going on!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Opitma Battery

Hello my fellow bloggers, it a treat to sharing by humble thoughts with you. I thought I would use my time today to share with little dilly about the adventures of L Mac and Billy Bob. Through this story you will learn of the great struggle of the optima battery.
(please refer to picture enclosed)

This story starts with a glorious trip to Waaashington, DC (aka the place people go to get there stuff stolen). While driving up to this nether world L Mac and Billy Bob stopped to get gas when the unthinkable happened. Sally (the Jeep) did not start. Dismayed by the occurrence Billy bob decide to talk to Sally about her failures. Sally did not respond kindly and needed the help of Jumping Jack Jumper Cables to get her back on the road.

Billy Bob deduced that there was no conceivable way that it could be the OPTIMA battery that could have died. Thus, he began an intensive investigation. He tested all the wires and determined that the voltage was right from every location. The situation left the only culprit to be the OPITMA. So against his better judgment Billy Bob took the battery to be test.

When he arrived to the store he was met with the statement "we can't test that battery it will blow up the building". Billy bob thoughts ran wild "is this some bomb that through the ingenuity of man has been sealed into a battery so that Sally my have all the power that one would ever dream for?!!" "NO" Billy reserves his thoughts and asked the man if he can just get him a battery that will get him home. Of course in this hour of shame the Energiser Bunny is the one that comes to the rescue. The battery is installed and the problem is fixed but Sally may never be the same. Luckily Billy bob did not turn in the OPTIMA for a core rebate and is planning on putting it on a slow trickle charge to bring it back to life.

So beware, the OPTIMA might still reunite with Sally to run again on the great thoroughfares known as the American highway.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Adult MacFest this Week

This week the adults will be down in Florida having a big time, while the kids have to stay at home and work or do school stuff. Normally I wouldn't make a post about this, but this posting is solely to show a great picture that serves two purposes: 1) It kind of shows that we really do most things just because we can and 2) It's hilarious

This picture officially means Dad can't make any more Oakwood Acres jokes.