Saturday, October 27, 2007

What a Family I Have.....

Ryan, I can't tell you how excited I am for you. Don't forget Nanny Jean has Nanny Mac's kitchen table and it is yours for as long as you want it and then pass on when the next McNeill needs a table. I am sure it will serve you well. If I was a betting girl (oh I forgot, I am) I would say that it can still serve up super bacon sandwiches and gallons upon gallons of ice cream.

About the picture.....
I was the one that had to get up very early the 1st day of vacation to take Uncle Van to the dealership to drop off the caddy after she threw oil all the way down I-95! But I must confess, we were riding in style, I had an '08 sebring convertible and Uncle Van and I rode all over the beach with the top down. And yes boys, your mother made it look really good!

Austin, I know you are excited and proud of Ryan and that he would be an excellent roommate but please keep in mind.....failing out is not an option!!

Lisa, If you get a chance please email me the picture of your gown. I would love to see it.

Love you all, and remember, when all is said and done your family will still be there loving you unconditionally.

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