Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Butt is a Beautiful word, maybe the most beautiful. It can be used in many ways like talking about a persons' butt, or calling a person a name, who wouldn't love a word that versatile? Also I just want to say that picture was taken in a bad angle but my nose looks amazing. Probably the best looking McNeill nose that there is. Which means I have the best nose and Butt, of course. Also I'm sure that my uncle van's story is good but I'm sure that if we heard the story from anyone else it wouldn't be the same at all. Hope everyone is doing alright and I hope that Lisa and "that guy" are doing terrific with all the planning and gathering and invitations and all those things that will stress out our wonderful Lisa. Let me know if you need ideas for music selections! I got the down lows if you know what I mean.

1 comment:

Billy Bob said...

Hello from "that guy"
austin you will be happy to here that we are planning on having a wide spread of music (just like the food) for the wedding. We or at least I are leaning towards some Will Smith with a dash of some old school hip hop. But as you may know we dont know the actual names to some of the songs that we are looking for so any help will be greatly appreated. I hope that everything is going well for you buddy. Enjoy college, at least for me because I miss it.